Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has urged Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to route Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) wage payments through bank accounts, doing away with the practice of cash payment to workers. In a letter to Ms. Jayalalithaa, he said Tamil Nadu could become a trend-setter in seamless transfer of funds through bank and postal accounts of workers and thereby deepen financial inclusion in the...
NREGA's new avatar: Work later, take home cash now by Devika Banerji
The government is likely to allow advance part payment of wages in a bid to restore faith of beneficiaries in its flagship rural jobs scheme. The proposal is part of a slew of measures to address mounting criticism of the centrally-funded Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) which is beset by administrative logjam and charges of leakages. The rural development ministry has asked states to initiate a monthlong pilot...
More »NREGA Lines Pockets. Not of the Poor by Abhishek Bhalla
JANGU, 40, a Dalit labourer in Paraspur village in Gonda district, 120 km northeast of Lucknow, displays his job card in complete disbelief. “My job card was made three years ago and shows three payments. But I was never given any work, so how was the payment made?” he asks, puzzled. The first entry shows a payment of Rs 1,400 but he received a paltry Rs 100. He never went...
More »PM leads counter-attack on retail by Sanjay K Jha
Manmohan Singh today refused to yield to pressure on the question of allowing foreign direct investment in retail and appeared ready for a protracted battle, including the risk of a vote in Parliament despite his government’s fragile majority. Somewhat reminiscent of his nuclear deal stand, the Prime Minister confronted those who had accused the government of taking a hasty decision on retail. “We have not taken this decision in haste, but after...
More »Jairam turns to CAG for help on NREGA by Sreelatha Menon
In a move most ministries would shy away from, Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has written to the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India, requesting him for a performance and financial audit of the National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme (NREGA), the most heavily funded flagship scheme of the UPA government. The minister has written to CAG Vinod Rai, who was recently criticised by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for calling frequent...
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