-The Times of India Shocking video has emerged of naked Jarawa tribals in the Andaman islands being made to dance before tourists for food and money during the course of 'human safaris' organized by operators in connivance with local authorities. According to a report in the UK-based 'Observer' newspaper, which also released the footage taken by its reporter, the safaris brazenly flout laws that prohibit close contact with the tribals and photographing...
UGC fails to spend cash, wants more by Basant Kumar Mohanty
The University Grants Commission has demanded a four-fold hike in funds allocation in the 12th five-year Plan to create 10 million additional seats in higher educational institutions. The demand has come in spite of the higher education regulator managing to spend only 50 per cent of the Rs 46,449 crore allocated in the 11th Plan three months before the period ends. The UGC has submitted a detailed report to the HRD ministry,...
More »Fatwa against 'un-Islamic' Surya Namaskar in MP
-The Indian Express While Madhya Pradesh government is making all efforts to make the 'Surya Namaskar' exercise on Swami Vivekanand's birthday here tomorrow, a world record, Muslim leaders have opposed the move by issuing a fatwa against it. Leaders of the minority community have termed the move as un-Islamic and equated it with idol-worship, which is prohibited in Islam. They also issued a fatwa in this regard on Tuesday which was also...
More »Prashant Bhushan, Senior Advocate and member of Team Anna interviewed by V Venkatesan
PRASHANT BHUSHAN, a member of Team Anna and a Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court, has been a vociferous critic of the government's Lokpal Bill at every stage. He answers, in an interview to Frontline, questions raised by Members of Parliament during the recent debate on the Lokpal Bill in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha and enunciates the challenges ahead of the movement for an effective Lokpal. Excerpts: The government's...
More »AidS agency orders cheap drug by Ankur Paliwal
Stavudine disfigures, affects peripheral nervous system permanently THE National AidS Control Organisation in November procured in bulk anti-HIV drug stavudine, which is being phased out worldwide. NACO officials unofficially cite funds crunch for depending on the low-cost drug. Stavudine requires less monitoring of patients, they say. NACO provides free treatment to HIV/AidS patients in the country. In 2010, the WHO had revised its HIV/AidS treatment protocol and recommended countries to phase out...
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