India's high burden of anaemia has now got the Prime Minister's Office seriously concerned. With the latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) finding the prevalence of anaemia to be 80% in children, 70% in pregnant women and 24% in adult men, the PMO called a meeting on Thursday with top officials from the Planning Commission, ministries of health and women and child development, the National Institute of Nutrition and independent experts...
Foetal sex determination on rise in Erode by S Ramesh
There is an alarming decline in the child sex ratio Boys from district go to Kerala in search of brides A significant number of eligible boys in Erode district now travel more than 400 km to areas in Kerala to find themselves a bride. While this is more in one community, the others are slowly catching up with this trend and there is a dramatic increase in the appearance of matrimonial advertisements...
More »Bihar plans health cards for 3.4 cr children under 14 years by Santosh Singh
Bihar is set to become the first state in the country to issue health cards to 3.4 crore children in the age group of 0-14 years. Besides offering OPD facilities and free medicines, the health card, which will be vaild for five years, will also facilitate specialised medical treatment in premier hospitals like AIIMS, PGIMER Chandigarh and SGPGI Lucknow. While some states already have health card schemes for school-going children in...
More »Vikasa drive to identify tribal child labourers
Vikasa organisation, a wing under the National Child Labour Project (NCLP), has taken up a special drive to identify child labourers, in tribal and fishermen areas, and in areas where SCs and weaker section population lives in East Godavari. The identified children in age group of 7 to 14 years (both boys and girls) would be admitted to bridge schools run by NCLP, to equip them to join normal schools. The...
More »Promises to keep by Harsh Mander
Even four years after the Sachar Committee Report revealed that Muslims were one of the most economically backward and socially disadvantaged communities, nothing much has been done to address the development deficits of this community. The Constitution of the republic of free India was crafted in troubled but idealistic times. The Indian people were still reeling from Partition bloodshed and the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, in the dark shadows of politics...
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