-The Hindu The Central Bureau of Investigation has booked nine senior officials of the National Highways Authority of india (NHAI) and 13 others, including the then chief financial officer of Isolux Corsan india Engineering and Construction Private Limited (ICIECPL), on graft charge related to three road projects in 2008-10. Among the officials named are the then project directors, C.K. Sinha, Vibhav Mittal, D.P. Soni, S.K. Gupta and Suraj Prakash, besides then general...
Issues in Mitigation through Cold Chain: Supply-side Problems in Food Loss and Waste -Chandra S R Nuthalapati, S Mahendra Dev, and Rajeev Sharma
-Economic and Political Weekly The food systems approach proposes reducing food loss and waste as a potential solution to achieve food and nutritional security. This is formalised in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Despite the issue receiving such ubiquitous recognition, systematic efforts to measure and address FLW are absent in india. Our calculations show that one-sixth of agricultural production, accounting for one-tenth of the gross value added in...
More »April heat wave to hit mangoes, lychees and livestock -Sandip Das and Nanda Kasabe
-Financial Express The Met department, in its outlook for this month, has predicted hot and dry conditions for central india, a region that includes Gujarat and Maharashtra in the west and Odisha in the east, and is a ‘core heat zone’ in April. If the india Meteorological Department’s (IMD’s) prediction of a severe heat wave in April comes true, the country’s horticultural crops such as mangoes and lychees will be adversely impacted,...
More »Parliamentary Panel Flags Slow Increase in Health Budget -Priyanka Ishwari
-Newsclick.in The budgetary allocation for health was only 2.1% of the total Budget Estimates for 2022-2023. New Delhi: A Parliamentary Standing Committee has raised concerns over “less priority” being accorded to the health sector in the Budget. The committee, headed by Samajwadi Party Rajya Sabha member Ram Gopal Yadav, noted that “the budgetary allocation for the ministry of health and family welfare accounts for 2.1% of the total BE 2022-23 (Budget Estimates...
More »Fuel prices needn’t rise -Aunindyo Chakravarty
-The Tribune The govt must fix the maximum profit margin a refinery is allowed to make FUEL prices have been rising almost daily for more than a week now. The bumps are small, 80 paise at a time. The petrol price hike philosophy appears to have been informed by a standard marketing ploy. Keep the number below a round figure and it will look less than it really is: Just as Rs...
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