The headmistress and a teacher of a primary school in Burdwan have been arrested for allegedly selling off 250kg of rice meant for the midday meal scheme. The matter came to light on Tuesday when two farmers in Gonna village, where the school is situated, saw headmistress Banasri Thakur Mukherjee and teacher Joydeb Gorai “slip into” a grocery shop minutes after a cycle van carrying six sacks stopped in front of...
The cash option by Jayati Ghosh
Cash transfers, the latest global development fashion, involve several risks in India, not least the risk of forgetting the need for continuing structural change. WHEN I was growing up, several decades ago, middle-class society in India was always a little delayed in catching on to Western fashions whether in music or dress or in other aspects. The past decades of globalisation seemed to have changed all that. Modern communications technology...
More »Pump up more iron in your mid-day meal scheme: NRHM by Rashmi Belur
The public instructions department has finally found a solution to address the increasing number of anaemic children in primary schools. Following directions of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), officials of the mid-day meal programme are considering increasing the dosage of iron tablets provided for children at schools. A NRHM official said: “We had directed the mid-day meal officials to take appropriate measures to overcome anaemic problems amongst students. We also...
More »Rs. 2 a kg ration rice for all cardholders
Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan on Wednesday announced that the scheme for supply of ration rice at Rs.2 a kg would be extended to all cardholders, including APL cardholders, subject to certain conditions. People with high incomes and landholdings would not be eligible. Briefing the media on the Cabinet decisions, the Chief Minister said the Cabinet had approved the recommendations of the Ninth Pay Revision Commission with changes proposed by the Cabinet...
More »Short On The Delivery by Chandrani Banerjee
When it came to power in May 2009, some ministers in the UPA government had set themselves a deadline of 100 days to show results. But one year and nine-odd months later, the report card of its flagship programmes in nine states hit by Maoism is dismal. Much of the money allocated has gone unspent, according to the “performance study” the Planning Commission conducted in these states and submitted to...
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