-The Indian Express It could be “several months” before RBI is able to plug the Rs 14.18 lakh crore hole left behind by the withdrawal of the 2,203 crore pieces of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, as per the estimates. New Delhi: As the country struggles to cope with a desperate shortage of currency, new notes worth only Rs 1.5 lakh crore have come into circulation so far, says a November...
M Govinda Rao, ex-Director, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (2003-13), interviewed by S Rajendran (The Hindu)
-The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy Prime Minister Narendra Modi's announcement demonetising high denomination notes on November 8, 2016, will do little to address the prime objective of flushing out black money but will adversely affect the economy in the short term, especially the informal sector, which is predominant in India, says M. Govinda Rao, a Member of the Fourteenth Finance Commission and Emeritus Professor, National Institute of Public...
More »There is a human cost of development projects, says new report
The term 'development' holds a positive connotation for most policymakers. However, there are examples abound, which indicates that development also cause enormous misery to the people, particularly the poor and the marginalized. Take for instance, the organizing of 2010 Commonwealth Games, due to which massive infrastructural development in the national capital was undertaken when Sheila Dikshit was the Chief Minister of Delhi. It has been estimated that almost 2 lakh...
More »Oil mills in Modi backyard idle minus cash -Basant Rawat
-The Telegraph Ahmedabad: Samir Shah never had such spare time in his life as an oil mill owner. This is, after all, the peak season when mills buy oil seeds that are available after the harvesting of kharif crops. But the Saurashtra businessman has been sitting idle the past fortnight. There's no cash to do business. The demonetisation drive has left entrepreneurs like him with a shrunken wallet. And farmers don't usually accept...
More »Queues of pain for tiny gain on black money? -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The aam aadmi putting up with the widespread distress and economic loss caused by declaring invalid all Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes sees a positive side to the move — it will unearth and stamp out black money. This is one of the stated objectives in the government's notification of November. There is also the target of finishing off fake currency, which harms...
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