-PTI The retail price of onion in Delhi ranges between Rs 30 and 40 per kg. The government on Friday said it will sell onion, pulses and edible oil in the open market from its buffer stocks and take immediate action against hoarders creating artificial shortages. The retail price of onion in Delhi ranges between Rs 30 and 40 per kg. The wholesale price in the benchmark Lasalgaon mandi in Maharashtra was recorded...
Slowdown in sale of biscuits and cookies: A blip in rural consumption or premiumisation of eatables? -Himadri Buch
-Moneycontrol.com The Rs 35,000 crore biscuit industry has several players, the top most being the Britannia and Parle, which accounts for 70 percent of the industry’s volume and revenues. Subdued rural growth has begun to show up in the cookies category of eatables, especially your tea-table humble biscuit plates. Reports have emerged that the staple biscuits category like Parle-G has slowed down in rural demand, although similar pains are not visible in...
More »Agri families borrow more, eat less to cope with kin's suicide: study -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com * Average income of farm suicide families was just Rs.3,523 per month in 2016-17, below Rs.4,561 estimated by NSSO: study * The study found that 92% of farm suicide families were not enrolled under the centre’s flagship crop insurance scheme NEW DELHI: Agricultural households are trying to cope with the suicide of an earning member of the family by borrowing more, skimping on Food and even taking recourse to bonded labour, a...
More »Explained: Why One Nation, One Ration Card scheme could be a boon for poor migrants -Mehr Gill
-The Indian Express Essentially, the ONORC scheme has been launched keeping in mind the internal migration of our country. Last Friday, the government launched the pilot project for the inter-state portability of ration cards between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, and between Maharashtra and Gujarat, as part of its ‘One Nation, One Ration Card’ scheme. “It is a historic day. We have started off inter-state portability of ration card pairing two states...
More »What can help in controlling population in India--society or law? -Neetu Chandra Sharma
-Livemint.com * The population explosion has major impacts on the country ranging from health, social, environmental and economic * Gender preferences are also contributing to the population explosion in India New Delhi: Pointing out population growth as a major concern in India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Independence Day speech called for a deeper thought towards the issue. Apparently, the mention was an indication that the government is devising a policy or...
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