-The Hindu In a written statement filed in a civil court here, Yahoo India has dubbed a suit — filed against it and several other websites alleging that they hosted objectionable content — as “motivated” and an “abuse of the process of law.” Seeking the dismissal of the suit, the internet company said nowhere in the complaint was it stated that such objectionable material was hosted or present on its website. The...
Centre demystifies Maoists' modus operandi by Vishwa Mohan
Decoding the 'mystery' behind Maoists, the Centre has for the first time brought out in open many facts that have hitherto remained in official papers and urged aam aadmis to expose true colours of Red rebels in whatever ways they can, including use of social media like Facebook and twitter. In a document, brought out in the form of frequently asked questions (FAQs) last week, the Union home ministry has classified...
More »“I just wanted the issue to be heard by a court of law” by Arpit Parashar
Meet Vinay Rai, the man who took Google, Facebook and 20 others to court for posting ‘objectionable content’ Sitting in a plush office in Noida, Vinay Rai, 39, says he is a troubled man these days. He claims he does not want to be seen as a social activist fighting for censorship of the internet social network websites and search engines Facebook and Google. He is the one ‘activist’ whose name...
More »Farmers using Facebook to discuss prices and plan strategy by Sutanuka Ghosal
Last month, the turmeric farmers of Maharashtra's Sangli district found themselves in a desperate situation. Oversupply had resulted in prices crashing in the local turmeric market, Asia's biggest, threatening their livelihood. And with several thousands growing the commodity across Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, any meaningful strategy to halt the price crash meant involving a sizeable number of farmers. That's when local farmer Atul Salunkhe, 31, had a brainwave. How...
More »Indian law caught in web by Moyna
Can Information Technology Act deal with the dynamics of the Net? THIS is one series of court cases the nation is following keenly. Within one week, in December last year, a criminal and a civil complaint were filed against 20-odd online giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo for hosting anti-religious and anti-social content on their websites. While the judge hearing the civil case ordered immediate removal and blockade of all...
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