-The Hindu Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley's announcement of new AIIMS-like institutions, tax sops for those who buy health insurance, and Rs. 33,150 crore allocation has given the health sector little to cheer. Though the draft of the government's new national health policy wants public health expenditure to increase to 2.5 per cent of the GDP, the allocation seems insufficient to meet the government's ambitious universal health assurance mission that includes free...
Food Sufficiency in India: Addressing the Data Gaps -S Chandrasekhar and Vijay Laxmi Pandey
-Economic and Political Weekly The National Sample Survey Office's survey of consumption expenditure is woefully inadequate for estimating the number of food-insecure households in India. Future surveys of NSSO need to collect information on the four pillars of food security: availability, access, nutritional adequacy/utilisation and stability. The Comprehensive Nutrition Survey in Maharashtra is an example of such a survey and appears to do a decent job of capturing the different elements...
More »‘47 % of agriculture employees earn only Rs. 100 a day’ -Alok Deshpande
-The Hindu Report on Maharashtra looks at NSS data Mumbai: Nearly 47% out of Maharashtra's total employed population, which is dependent on agriculture, fisheries and forestry as an economic activity, earns only Rs 100 per day on an average. The data is in sheer contradiction with the earnings of 1.36% of the employed population from Information and Communication sector in the state, which on an average earns Rs. 833 per day, higher than...
More »The march down south -Vishwanath Kulkarni
-The Hindu Business Line Though migration of labour from the east has helped revive the plantations in southern India, questions remain on the long-term implications, Vishwanath Kulkarni reports As the harvest season starts in Coorg, Karnataka, coffee planter MC Kariappa has a lot of issues to contend with - productivity, weather and, the biggest worry of all in recent times, paucity of labourers. So when a dozen labourers from Assam landed at...
More »A flawed approach to food security -Deepankar Basu & Debarshi Das
-The Hindu With India continuing to be plagued by malnutrition, it is foolhardy to use the changed food production situation in the domestic economy as a reason for dismantling the FCI Within months of assuming office, the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance government set up a High Level Committee (HLC) in August 2014 to restructure, reorient and reform the Food Corporation of India (FCI). The eight-member HLC was chaired by senior BJP leader,...
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