-The Hindu High Court had asked the police to provide details of sexual offence cases In majority of rape cases reported in Delhi this year, the accused were known to the victims or their friends, followed by neighbours and relatives such as brother-in-law, uncle, husband or ex-husband and even father. Only 4.23 per cent of the alleged rapists were strangers. In an affidavit filed in the Delhi High Court on Tuesday in compliance...
Push for child law review -Ananya Sengupta
-The Telegraph The country's apex child rights body has acknowledged that the laws on children are contradictory and initiated the process of a review. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has decided to set up a three-member working group to harmonise the laws and remove conflicting provisions. "The commission has observed that there are many gaps and discrepancies in various laws concerning the rights of children. The commission is, therefore,...
More »Stolen generation -Rekha Dixit
-The Week Shambhu Kumar, 8, quite liked his job as a domestic help in a small town in Assam. He had to mind two children nearly his age, keep an eye on the ducks and be available for chores all day. It wasn't too hard, and he was well fed, too, though he missed his grandmother, a tea garden labourer. One day, some women from the state education department came to the...
More »The ‘Untouchable’ Bill -Nidheesh J Villatt
-Tehelka The new and improved Bill to prevent atrocities against Dalits runs the risk of being put in the cold storage A crime against Dalits happens every 18 minutes - three women raped every day, 13 murdered every week, 27 atrocities every day, six kidnapped every week and so on. This is the data compiled by the National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, an NGO, which paints a grim picture of Indian...
More »Home most unsafe place for women -Abhinav Garg
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Over 60% offences of rape, molestation and 'eve teasing' (sexual harassment) recorded across Delhi till mid-September occurred inside the house and the accused were known to the survivors. A unique court-ordered study by Delhi Police of 44 police stations throughout the capital has revealed that women are most unsafe at home with their relatives or acquaintances. The report on police's "analysis and conclusions" was submitted as...
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