The state has received Rs 5,942 crore, or 19% of the total Rs 31,149 crore released by New Delhi this financial year, it is followed by UP, allocated Rs 4,726 crore, or 15% and Andhra Pradesh, with Rs 3,781 crore, or 12% Rajasthan remains the top beneficiary of funds released by the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government for its flagship income generation scheme. The state has received Rs 5,942 crore, or 19%...
11th plan aims to create 58 mn new jobs
The government on Monday said 58 million new job opportunities are likely to be created during the 11th Five year plan (2007-12), thanks to various steps including three stimulus packages since December 2008. Replying to a supplementary during the Question Hour in Lok Sabha, Labour and Employment Minister Mallikarjun Kharge said employment is projected to grow at an average rate of 2.73 per cent annually. He informed the House that...
More »UNDP Administrator praises successful implementation of rural jobs scheme
“It would improve the standard of life of people in the rural areas” United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark has praised successful implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Rajasthan, saying it would improve the standard of life of people in the rural areas and stop their migration to cities. “Conceived as the biggest employment generation programme in the world, the NREGS is seemingly yielding...
More »Sub-group to suggest toning up of rural job scheme
In the face of mounting criticism on the way the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (Mgnregs) was being implemented arbitrarily, the Rural Development Ministry on Tuesday agreed to set up a sub-group to suggest measures for effective execution of the law. Conceding the demand raised at the meeting of the Central Employment Guarantee Council (CEGC), the governing body for the Mgnregs, Rural Development Minister C.P. Joshi formed a six-member...
More »MGNREGS: State says ‘no’ to NGOs by NJ Nair
Says conditions cited by the Centre are not applicable to the State State fears it will affect flexibility of schemes Contends that workers do not need intermediaries THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The State government is understood to have expressed to the Centre its reservations about the move to rope in non-governmental organisations (NGOs) for implementing the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in the State. Official sources told The Hindu here that the State...
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