-The Hindu The Union Health Minister, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, recently said he "supports" higher taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. But even if he were to substantially increase the tax rates, will it make cigarettes and other tobacco products very expensive and hence reduce consumption? In the case of India, as per the current taxation practices, increasing the tax component is quite unlikely to reduce consumption drastically. This is unlike the...
A Simple Switch Makes the Difference -Rajitha S
-The New Indian Express HYDERABAD: We are often fascinated by the bright colours and unusual sizes of vegetables and greens, one of the reasons that compel us to purchase them. In order to meet the demands of consumption, a lot of chemical enhancers are used while farming these vegetables and greens, to make them look much more attractive. Even though most of us are aware of the fact that chemicals are used...
More »Exposed! How mangoes are poisoned every day at APMC market -Vinod Kumar Menon
-Mid Day A visit to the APMC in Vashi revealed that calcium carbide - referred to as ‘carpet' by traders - which is known to cause cancer, food poisoning, nausea etc - is being used indiscriminately to ripen the fruit faster, so as to increase sales Think before you sink your teeth into those juicy, delicious mangoes. For, they could have been ripened artificially using calcium carbide, a deadly chemical that is...
More »Mango farmers selling produce at roadside for better returns -Himanshu Kaushik
-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: Consumers are having a grand time gobbling up succulent mangoes. Not just because of the fall in wholesale market price, but also because now some enterprising farmers in Saurashtra are bypassing market yards and taking their produce directly to the consumer by selling them at the roadside. Farmers say that not only do they get low prices in the market yard, but are also forced to pay...
More »The loud cries of farmers' widows have been lost in the din of the Narendra Modi coronation-Devinder Sharma
-DNA In the midst of the euphoria in the capital markets, after a strong mandate for Narendra Modi, the loud cries of wailing farm widows have been lost in the noise and cacophony that followed. To my mind, this is the biggest policy paralysis that afflicts the country. So when I heard Modi speak at the Central Hall of Parliament the other day: "Ours will be a government that thinks, works and...
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