-PTI/ The Hindu According to the report, nearly 30% students in the country do not transit from the secondary to the senior secondary level. More boys dropped out of school at the secondary level as well as in PRImary classes (1 to 5), while the number of girls dropping out of school in the upper PRImary classes (6-8) was higher than that of the boys in 2019-20, according to a Unified District...
In academic year 2019-20, only 22% Indian schools had Internet
-The Hindu Less than 30% government schools had computers: Education Ministry data. In the academic year that ended with school closures due to COVID-19, only 22% of schools in India had Internet facilities, according to Education Ministry data released on Thursday. Among government schools, less than 12% had Internet in 2019-20, while less than 30% had functional computer facilities. This affected the kind of digital education options available to schools during the...
More »Minimum Support PRIces in India: Distilling the Facts -Prankur Gupta, Reetika Khera, and Sudha Narayanan
--Review of Agrarian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, JANUARY-JUNE, 2021 Abstract: In recent years in India, minimum support PRIce (MSP) and government procurement, especially of paddy and wheat, have been discussed widely, but these discussions have often drawn on evidence that is dated and incomplete. Consequently, such discussions have clouded the facts, resulting in a large number of factoids. According to these popular misconceptions, very few farmers (6 per cent only) benefit...
More »Jean Drèze, development economist and right to food activist, interviewed by Shriya Mohan (The Hindu Business Line)
-The Hindu Business Line The development economist, now part of Tamil Nadu’s Economic Advisory Council, says that public expenditure on health is just 0.6 per cent of the state domestic product, one of the lowest ratios among Indian states * Universal quality education, health care and social security are still distant goals * A well-designed system of emergency cash transfers would be quite useful in this situation of recurrent crises, which may last...
More »The State and the Digital Giants -CP Chandrasekhar
-NetworkIdeas.org The NDA government has decided to further tighten its regulation of e-commerce, taking on in particular foreign giants like Amazon and Flipkart-Walmart, with implications for domestic organized retail majors like Reliance. The Department of Consumer Affairs in the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution has called for comments on an amended version of the Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020, which it posted on its website in late June...
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