-The Hindu At Kottaguda village, residents are yet to come to terms with loss of lives A week after a late-night raid by the police and the CRPF led to the death of several tribal villagers in Bijapur district, the Chhattisgarh government announced a judicial inquiry to ascertain the chronology of the events, the reasons behind the firing and the identities of those killed. The inquiry will be headed by a judge of...
Human shield review after ‘mix-up’-Nishit Dholabhai
-The Telegraph The CRPF will review standard operating procedures (SOPs) on tackling Maoists’ “human shields” and conducting night operations, sources said today, less than a week after Friday’s controversial operation in Chhattisgarh that resulted in 19 deaths. The move came on a day a preliminary report by a panel of state Congress leaders suggested six of those killed were villagers in their teens. Yesterday, Union tribal affairs minister Kishore Chandra Deo had...
More »'Deeply sorry if civilians died in anti-Naxal op'
-The Hindustan Times Even as the Congress upped its ante on last week's anti-naxal encounter in Chhattisgarh and claimed innocent tribals and children were killed by the security forces, union home minister P Chidambaram on Wednesday said he was "deeply sorry" if any civilian died in the anti-Maoist operations. Union tribal affairs minister V Kishore Chandra Deo told HT that he is also collecting information from various sources and will present them...
More »Chhattisgarh encounter 'unacceptable': tribal affairs minister
-The Hindustan Times In a clear indication of growing unease within the Congress party over last week's anti-naxal operation in Chhattisgarh in which 19 alleged Maoists were killed, tribal affairs minister V Kishore Chandra Deo on Tuesday termed the action "completely unacceptable". Deo's comments echo the Chhattisgarh Congress state unit's view that the encounter by the state police and the CRPF in Bijapur district was "completely fake". Deo said he will raise the...
More »Maoist encounter: Chhattisgarh government plans judicial probe-Bharti Jain
-The Economic Times A section of the Chhattisgarh government is coming around to the view that a judicial inquiry into the recent encounter with Maoists may be the best option to counter allegations that innocent tribals were killed. The state government is already in touch with the Union home ministry in this regard, a senior official told ET. The official, who did not wish to be named, said a section within the...
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