-PTI/ The Hindu ‘The police can take action including registration of FIRs’ The Delhi High Court has been told by the AAP government that under the penal law, food adulteration is a cognisable offence against which the police can take action, including registration of FIRs. The submission was made before a Bench of Justices G.S. Sistani and A.J. Bhambhani which had earlier said that the use of pesticides and chemicals to ripen fruits...
India is constantly tinkering with GDP data. It’s hard to rely on it now -Vivel Kaul
-Newslaundry.com In the latest instance, GDP growth projections for the FIRst two quarters of 2019-20 have been revised up, making it easier to meet the annual growth target of 5 percent. The Gross Domestic Product figures for the period of October to December 2019 were published late last week. GDP measures the economic size of a country. Alongside, the GDP figures for the previous two quarters – April to June 2019 and July...
More »Hazards of using fertilisers in Punjab -Ashish Mansharamani and Abhimanyu Shrivastava
-Down to Earth Studies have pegged consumption of phosphatic fertilizers in Punjab at ten times higher than the national average The media has consistently reported on cancer deaths in the Malwa region of Punjab. While a definite scientific finding on the same is awaited, there have been varying conclusions which may, at best, be speculative in nature. But FIRst, it is important to bring out facts which are uncontested. Studies have pegged consumption...
More »How we define and categorise the Delhi violence matters -Ashutosh Varshney
-The Indian Express India’s citizenry is well and truly into a battle for constitutional values, which must be fought, most of all, with non-violent determination and vigour. In the historical scale of rioting, where do the recent Delhi riots belong? And what is their larger political significance? The FIRst question is statistical. During early to mid-1990s, Steven Wilkinson, now teaching at Yale, and I, set up a database for all recorded Hindu-Muslim riots...
More »34 queries in Census 2020 form -Vijaita Singh
-The Hindu Centre has proposed that the next phase of NPR will be conducted along with the FIRst phase of Census between April to September 2020. The Registrar General of India (RGI) has asked all States to “give highest importance, attention and time” to the Census and National Population Register (NPR) work as “the foundations of the statistics of the country” depend on them. In a 14-page letter, dated January 29 and addressed...
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