-PTI The government on Thursday approved setting up of a national centre for cold chain development and allocated a one-time grant of Rs 25 crore for its corpus fund. The decision comes in the wake of post harvest losses to the tune of Rs 50,000 crore annually in absence of proper storage facilities. "The Union Cabinet today gave its ex-post facto approval for registering National Centre for Cold Chain Development (NCCD) as a...
Elusive jobs by TK Rajalakshmi
It is getting harder for jobseekers to return to gainful employment and for new entrants to find adequate jobs, says the ILO. THERE is little in the International Labour Organisation's (ILO) annual projection of job growth to cheer about. The year 2012 has been described as a year of stark reality. A third of the global workforce is currently unemployed or poor; that is, 200 million members of the 3.3-billion-strong global...
More »Looming disaster by Neeta Deshpande
Handloom weavers in Andhra Pradesh are in a crisis brought on by policy blindness and the emphasis on powerlooms. WHEN P. Pulliah, a weaver in the traditional cotton handloom centre of Chirala in Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh, describes the sarees he crafts, thread by delicate thread, his face lights up with joy. He animatedly explains that the sarees have a border on both sides. And they are fully embellished, he...
More »Supreme Court issues notices on unethical drug trials by Ankur Paliwal
1,727 persons have died during drug trials between 2007 and 2010, says public interest petition The Supreme Court of India has issued notices to the Centre and the Madhya Pradesh government in connection with clinical drug trials being conducted across India. This follows a public interest petition filed by an Indore based non-profit, seeking the court's intervention to put a stop to unethical clinical trials. Reports of unethical trials conducted on...
More »'Govt plays important role in fighting malnutrition' by Syed Intishab Ali
Jay Naidoo, chair of the GAIN Board, South Africa said 60 million children in India are malnourished, which is higher than the total population of South Africa. Naidoo was in the city at the launch of fortified wheat flour and fortified edible oil for sale in open market. He said, "Around 60% of India's total population is living below poverty line. These people are dependant on the government. So, government plays...
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