More than six decades after Independence, the Tamil Nadu government has woken up to the demands of tribals living in Vettukkadu village, surrounded by the Mullaiperiyar river and thick jungles of the Western Ghats, by opening a part-time ration shop in their area. This is the first government project in the village, which is largely inaccessible due to its location between thick forests and the Mullaiperiyar river. No government scheme, including...
Doctors to support healthcare in Orissa
The project will focus on malaria and Tuberculosis VHAI has been working in Orissa for several years French non-governmental organisation Doctors of the World (Medecins du Monde) has tied up with the Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI) to provide health care facility and awareness in Bhawanipatna in Orissa. Talking to reporters here on Wednesday, Pierre Micheletti, former president of Medecins du Monde (MDM) said the aim is to facilitate and supplement the...
More »UP floods: 14 dead, toll now 270
At least 14 people died in the last 24 hours in the 12 flood-hit districts of Western UP, taking the toll in rain-related incidents in the state to 270. Nearly 5 lakh people across 1,032 villages have been affected, 47 villages have been marooned. On Wednesday, the Army was called out in Shahjahanpur district. Relief Commissioner KK Sinha said: "Ramganga and Garrah are in spate in Shahjahanpur and the Army has been...
More »North India reels under floods, toll mounts to 93
A vast swath of land in north India battled swirling flood water as the toll in heavy rains in the region rose to 93 with reports of more deaths from Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Uttar Pradesh accounted for nine more deaths, while 67 persons lost their lives in the incessant rains during the past few days. Thousands others have been rendered homeless in the hill state. In Uttar Pradesh, three persons died...
More »Farmers' fury by TK Rajalakshmi
In three districts of Haryana, they have been agitating against the land acquisition policy of the State government. WHEN farmers of western Uttar Pradesh took to the streets protesting against the acquisition of their lands and demanding a just compensation package from the State government, the central leadership of the Congress was quick to cite the example of Haryana, where, according to United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi, the best policies...
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