-PTI CBI on Wednesday arrested BJP MP from Gujarat Dinu Bogha Solanki in connection with the murder of of RTI activist Amit Jethwa who had waged a crusade against illegal mining in Gir Forest in the state, the last home of ASIatic lions. Solanki, Lok Sabha member from Junagarh, Gujarat, arrived at the CBI headquarters this morning and was questioned throught the day, after which a CBI team decided to place him...
The EU flexes its muscles on caste-Arvind Sivaramakrishnan
-The Hindu The practices concerned are most widespread in South ASIa and in South ASIan diasporas. The European Parliament's recent resolution circumvents India's contention that caste oppression does not constitute racial discrimination. On October 10, the 766 members of the European Parliament, who represent just over half-a-billion people in 28-member-states, passed a historic resolution recognising caste-based discrimination and discrimination based on work and descent as a violation of human rights and an...
More »Massive immunisation drive begins today in Kerala-C Maya
-The Hindu To bring up proportion of fully immunised children to 100 % THIRUVANANTHAPURAM (Kerala): The Health Department will kick off an intensive immunisation campaign across districts this week to bring up the proportion of fully immunised children to one hundred per cent in the State. The campaign is being launched on Monday in Malappuram, which has been consistently lagging behind in all immunisation and related activities and has the highest proportion of...
More »China, Pakistan help CAG win poll to UN audit body -Pradeep Thakur & Josy Joseph
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: When CAG Shashi Kant Sharma was elected in New York with a thumping majority as a member of the UN Board of Auditors on Friday evening it was an unusual strategic alliance that worked in his favour. China and Pakistan teamed up with India to defeat US-backed the Philippines, and ensure that the Comptroller and Auditor General of India occupies the prestigious post for the next...
More »MS Swaminathan for special drive to attract youth to farm research
-The Hindu To get youth interested in agriculture research, the Agriculture Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) must undertake a special drive, noted farm scientist M.S. Swaminathan said on Friday. He said there should be a special analysis of the gaps in regional-level research, particularly in northeastern and tribal areas "as was done in the past." Special recruitment drives should be undertaken by inducting young scientist graduates from such regions and "grooming them intensively." He suggested...
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