-PTI Paddy MSP of Grade 'A' variety has been raised by Rs 55 to Rs 1,400 a quintal The government today announced Rs 50 per quintal increase in the minimum support pRice of paddy to Rs 1,360 to encourage farmers to cultivate Rice, but said that the decision will not have an impact on inflation. Minimum support pRice (MSP) of pulses has been raised by up to Rs 100 per quintal. The Cabinet Committee...
People in about 40 % rural households in five states prefer to defecate in open-Kundan Pandey
-Down to Earth Programmes launched to promote use of latrines have failed to influence sanitation behaviours of many people It would be wrong to assume that construction of a toilet in every house can curb the problem of open defecation in India. According to a new study, a significant number of people prefer to defecate in open despite having latrines in their houses. The study was conducted by the Research Institute for...
More »A quiet green revolution -KP Prabhakaran Nair
-The Hindu Business Line Small farmers in Jharkhand are growing more money and seeing better health, thanks to vegetables Indian farmers have often been perceived as lacking in initiative, but the latest developments on the farm front belie that stereotype. Not only have they shown initiative, they have started a quiet revolution. The phenomenon can be summed up in one word: vegetables. Small farmers, reeling from recurring droughts and declining productivity of staple...
More »How Govt can fight food inflation -Tejinder Narang
-The Hindu Business Line Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose (The more things change the more they remain the same ): A French proverb. In its earnest to tackle rising food inflation the new Government has taken a welcome initiative to delist fruits/ vegetables including onions (FVO) from the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) Act, while all other measures are as usual - short term of political expediency, repeated several...
More »A veggie vengeance -Shreekant Sambrani
-The Business Standard The government needs counter cyclical policies to tackle vegflation, which has become a recurrent problem Somebody help. Narendra Modi and Arun Jaitley are held hostage, not by jihadists, recalcitrant opposition, international capital or the ever-erratic monsoon, but by faceless, nameless manipulators of Nasik, Navi Mumbai and Azadpur markets. The "raw" terror they have let loose resounds in the corridors of government as well as media power. Cutting to the chase,...
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