-The Indian Express The southern states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala also figure prominently in the list. The year before the Lok Sabha elections, 2013, saw communal rioting incidents in the country jumping by nearly 25 per cent, with Uttar Pradesh, which witnessed major religious clashes in Muzaffarnagar, being the worst affected with 247 incidents compared to 118 in 2012. Data from the Union home ministry (MHA) shows that states such as UP,...
India: Marginalized Children Denied Education- Use Monitoring, Redress Mechanisms to Keep Pupils in School
-Human Rights Watch New Delhi: School authorities in India persistently discriminate against children from marginalized communities, denying them their right to education, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Four years after an ambitious education law went into effect in India guaranteeing free schooling to every child ages 6 to 14, almost every child is enrolled, yet nearly half are likely to drop out before completing their elementary education. The...
More »Rice diversity is his passion
-The Hindu Farmer plans to set up a farm showcasing 250 varieties Mysore: Known to conserve indigenous varieties of rice from different parts of the country, S.R. Srinivasmurthy, paddy cultivator from T. Narsipura in Mysore district, has augmented his rich collection in recent years and plans to set up a demonstration farm this season. The demonstration farm will feature about 250 rice varieties, collected by him over the years. A "farmer by accident", who...
More »Congress did little for farmers, BJP even less -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Given the poll season, every political party's heart is beating for the farmer. While AAP's Arvind Kejriwal has brought out figures of farmer suicides in Gujarat, Narendra Modi has repeatedly lamented about such deaths under UPA regime. However, a look at government data on farmer suicides since 1995 (to 2012) shows that no party or politician has done anything for the farmer. In fact, BJP...
More »Bedridden by pesticide, but won’t skip vote -KM Rakesh
-The Telegraph MANGALORE: Santosh Menezes is eager to vote. Like many in his age group he loves cricket and idolises Tendulkar, Dhoni and Yuvraj. But unlike the others, he cannot communicate or move about. Bedridden since birth, the 24-year-old will have to be carried by his parents to the polling booth on April 17. Santosh, who lives in Kokkada village in Belthangady taluk, some 70km from Mangalore city, is among the 6,000 victims...
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