-The Indian Express The Allahabad High Court has scrapped the user fee on the Delhi-Noida Direct (DND) Flyway, saying the concessionaire has already recovered its ‘reasonable’ dues. Allahabad High Court last week scrapped the toll levied on commuters using the Delhi-Noida Direct (DND) Flyway, a major traffic artery connecting southeast Delhi with Noida across the Yamuna in Uttar Pradesh. A subsequent bid by the Noida Toll Bridge Company Ltd (NTBCL) — the...
No abnormal increase in High Court vacancies: Centre
-PTI New Delhi: The average annual rate of appointment of judges in the High Courts has not declined during the last two years, though no new appointments were made during April-December 2015 due to hearing of the NJAC matter, government sources said. Rapped by the Supreme Court for delaying judicial appointments, the government has said that it has increased the sanctioned strength of High Court judges from 906 to 1,079 and insisted...
More »Centre may rope in banks to boost forest cover -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: All banking institutions in India may soon chip in to increase India's forest cover in a coordinated manner. If the environment ministry has its way, all banks will be asked to join the central and the state governments in their ongoing efforts of afforestation. The move will be part of one of the 10 ways, identified by the Centre, to reach India's key climate goal. As...
More »Delhi's air quality at season's worst, staying indoors advised
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Delhi's air quality recorded "severe" levels on Saturday, a day before Diwali. A pall of smog was hanging over the city since morning. As forecast by IMD and SAFAR, the wind speed was very low, touching zero at times, which caused pollutants to accumulate very close to the surface. The Delhi government, meanwhile, blamed the high pollution levels on the farm stubble burning in Punjab and...
More »Girl Who Reported About Her Father Burning Stubble To Be Rewarded
-PTI Chandigarh: The Haryana State Pollution Control Board has decided to honour and reward a girl from Jind district for reporting the case of stubble burning by her father to the authorities. Sonali Sheokhand, from Dhakhal village of Narwana, will be given a cash award of Rs. 11,000 for her exemplary contribution to the cause of prevention of crop residue/ stubble burning in the state, an official release said today. Her complaint recently...
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