COIMBATORE: The Tamil Nadu forest department's push to get Sathyamangalam Wildlife Sanctuary declared a tiger reserve suffered a setback on Wednesday when Grama sabhas in all 19 tribal-majority panchayats in the region passed separate resolutions against the move. The resolutions said the department had not consulted the local communities on the project, though Section 38 V of the Wildlife Protection Act makes it mandatory. The Wildlife Protection Act stipulates that approval from...
A candle in the dark-Badri Narayan
Makhdumpur is a village in Uttar Pradesh's Bhadohi district. Adjoining it is a cluster of huts inhabited by people of the Nat caste, one of the lowest among Dalits. Congress party general secretary Rahul Gandhi visited a hut in the settlement just before the recent State Assembly elections. He spent some time inside the hut, interacted with the residents, shared a meal with them and then went on his way....
More »MGNREGA expansion by May 8: Ramesh
-PTI Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh today said about Rs 1 "I am going to announce in Parliament on large scale expansion in the work schedule of MGNREGA by May 8. (Planning Commission member) Mihir Shah-headed expert committee recommendations are accepted (in this regard)," Ramesh said at a press conference here. "One of the important additions is Souchalaya (toilet system), in which Rs 1,200 crore could be allotted, he said and added...
More »Censure after rough ride-Rajesh Kumar Pandey
Union minister for rural development Jairam Ramesh today frowned upon the state government and demanded greater reliability on the question of funds use after enduring a bumpy ride to a Dumka village, which to his surprise lacked road connectivity. Ramesh, who arrived in Dumka from Calcutta this morning, met self-help groups (SHGs) engaged in tussar silk production at Dhaka village, 30km from the district headquarters, in rebel-hit Shikaripara block. The minister appreciated...
More »Empowering rural women to fight for their rights-Richa Sharma
-IANS Lucknow, April 27: Seema Saroj, a resident of Pratapgarh district in Uttar Pradesh, was denied payment under the rural jobs scheme for months. She then joined Nari Sangh, a women's group working for the rights of people, and took on the authorities to get her pending dues. Saroj is one among over 80,000 women from 666 Gram panchayats in nine districts of eastern Uttar Pradesh who have, under the umbrella of...
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