Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar, who is leaving for Delhi tomorrow, will take up with Prime Minister the issue of a special package to the farmers who have lost their corps in the recent rains. He will also meet food and agriculture minister Sharad Pawar and others. Reddy along with finance minister Anam Ramnarayan Reddy, revenue minister N Raghuveera Reddy, chief secretary SV Prasad and other officials, reviewed the various efforts...
'Scam' in Loans to Lavasa, Adani
Over a month after the CBI cracked down on the alleged multi-crore kickbacks-for-Loans scam, investigators are believed to have found irregularities in the loan files of at least eight companies, including Lavasa, DB Realty, Mantri Realty and Adani Group. In November, the CBI had arrested three members of Mumbai-based financial service company Money Matters and four others for their involvement in the alleged loan scam. The CBI, after going through loan...
More »Endosulfan sufferers don't count by Savvy Soumya Misra
Many endosulfan sufferers in Kerala still not recognised NARAYANA Vokalliga from Belur village in Kasaragod breathed his last on November 20 just as his son was explaining how his father had suffered from exposure to endosulfan for 30 years. The former employee of the Plantation Corporation of Kerala used to spray the toxic pesticide manually in the corporation’s cashew plantations at Nanjamparamba estate. When the corporation switched to aerial spraying, Narayan prepared...
More »Andhra Pradesh passes microfinance Act
On December 15, the Andhra Pradesh legislative assembly cleared a bill to regulate microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the state. The bill replaces an ordinance issued in October following 54 suicide deaths allegedly due to coercive methods of loan recovery by MFIs (see ‘Death by Default’, Down To Earth, November 30, 2010). The bill mandates MFIs to be registered with the district authority to collect installments at the panchayat office and restricts...
More »Farmers' suicides reflective of death of rural banking by G Arun Kumar
Since the beginning of December last, 220 tenant farmers in the state have committed suicide or died of shock, crushed by mounting debts and loss of crops. Overall, the farmer death toll stands at a staggering 350-400. Though the fickle weather wreaked havoc, experts believe it's only partly to blame as several other factors have worked against the farming community. While economic expansion continues to bypass the farming community leaving...
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