The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Friday arrested former Jharkhand health secretary Siaram Prasad Sinha in a multi-crore rupee scam in the department. “We are going to prosecute him in the case”,CBI SP S K Choudhary told The Indian Express. The CBI Friday also raided the residence of former health minister Bhanu Pratap Shahi at Bhavnatpur in Palamu in connection with the case. Shahi was not home. Sinha and two other senior...
Eerie silence in Orissa over CBI NREGA probe by Akshaya Kumar Sahoo
Eleven years after he came to power in 2000 and regularly refuting charges of numerous scams and scandals that rocked the image of his government, Orissa chief minister and BJD president Naveen Patnaik now finds himself in the dock. After the Supreme Court’s direction on Monday for the CBI probe into the alleged `500-crore scam in the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), an eerie silence...
More »Breaking and Building
-ToI The government patched together an intricate—and flawed—fertiliser system over the last 40 years. It now wants to dismantle that monster. The challenge before it is to preserve its pro-agriculture and pro-poor objective, while correcting the flaws that crept in, reports M Rajshekhar If it all goes to plan, buying or selling fertiliser will never be the same for the 120-odd companies that make up this Rs 1,00,000 crore industry or...
More »Bid to restrict subsidised LPG use by R Suryamurthy
The government plans to restrict subsidised domestic LPG cylinders to six per household every year. For additional cylinders, consumers will have to pay the market price. Data show 65-70 per cent of households use 5-6 cylinders (14.2 kg) a year, while the remaining use more. In Calcutta, PSU oil marketing firms suffer a loss of Rs 329.73 by selling an LPG cylinder at Rs 365.10. A senior oil ministry official said the proposal...
More »Watts in it for me? by Tusha Mittal
A LEAFY VILLAGE in Kerala, Pathanpara, never found access to India’s electricity grid. That is why for the last several years, this village has been generating its own electricity. Raju, a dhoti-clad cashew nut farmer, operates Pathanpara’s five kilowatt (KW) micro hydropower plant. He lives in the village and earns a salary of Rs 2,250, paid by the People’s Electricity Committee (PEC). The power generated is shared equally by the village,...
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