-The Times of India The Gujarat high court will not direct the Nanavati-Mehta commission to summon chief minister Narendra Modi and question him about the 2002 Gujarat riots. Civil rights organization Jan Sangharsh Manch (JSM) had filed an application demanding that Modi be called by the commission for cross-examination. A bench of Justices Akil Kureshi and Sonia Gokani rejected the application and upheld the November 2009 order by a single judge. The...
National Infant Mortality Rate Reduces Further-To Forty Seven
-Press Information Bureau As per the latest Sample Registration System (SRS) bulletin, December 2011 released by the Registrar General of India (RGI), it is noted that Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) has dropped further by 3 points from 50 to 47 infants deaths per 1000 live births during 2010. The IMR for rural areas has dropped by 4 points from 55 to 51 infant deaths per 1000 live births while the Urban...
More »Official release of Taslima's book cancelled by Ananya Dutta
Autobiographical volume later released at publisher's stall in Kolkata Fair; supporters protest Before the storm over the absence of Salman Rushdie at the Jaipur Literature Festival abated, another controversy has broken out, this time at the 36th Kolkata International Book Fair. On Wednesday, the publishers of a book written by Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen were not allowed to release it as per schedule. Even as Kolkata police officers said they had received...
More »Chhattisgarh’s high RTI fees of Rs 500 seen as denial of information by Vinita Deshmukh
The new RTI rules framed and implemented by the Chhattisgarh government is a clear attempt and snatching a citizen’s fundamental right of access to information and strangulating the RTI Act. Citizens are requested to sent protest letters in large numbers The Right to Information Act (RTI) is being clipped by several state governments in an attempt to discourage/refuse rightful information to the citizens. Instead of furthering transparency, which is the primary...
More »Govt raises tamper doubt on Radia tapes
-The Telegraph A government report on the Niira Radia tapes that was submitted to the Supreme Court today mentioned discrepancies between the original recordings and the conversations broadcast by the media, suggesting they may have been tampered with. The report was submitted in a sealed cover to the bench of Justices G.S. Singhvi and Asok Kumar Ganguly. It was not made public but Justice Singhvi read out parts of it that said...
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