-The Times of India CHENNAI: Thirteen-year-old Ramesh, a Class 8 student, ran away from his home in Tamil Nadu's Villupuram district after his mother died. "My father used to beat me often. Unable to bear the torture, I ran away and reached Chennai at midnight and stayed on pavements for a while," said Ramesh (name changed). Later, an activist took him to an orphanage in Chennai. But not many are as...
Understanding Article 370 -Amitabh Mattoo
-The Hindu Article 370 was and is about providing space, in matters of governance, to the people of a State who felt deeply vulnerable about their identity and insecure about the future. At the Bharatiya Janata Party's recent Lalkar rally in Jammu, its prime ministerial candidate, Narendra Modi, called for a debate on Article 370. This is encouraging and suggests that the BJP may be willing to review its absolutist stance on...
More »Bowing to pressure, govt reworks communal violence bill -Bharti Jain
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The government on Thursday agreed to rework the Prevention of Communal Violence Bill, bowing to criticism from the BJP and regional parties. BJP had attacked the original draft of the bill, promised by the UPA in 2004, saying it was loaded against the majority community and marked an assault on the powers of states. Besides, regional parties also opposed the first draft of the legislation because...
More »Delhi Records Highest Poll Code Violations
-Outlook Delhi Assembly elections this time saw not just the highest voter turnout but also the highest number of violations of the Model Code of Conduct. A total of 42,000 litres of liquor worth more than Rs 1 crore was seized while Rs 1.64 crore, which was allegedly meant for distribution among voters in order to lure them, was recovered from various constituencies. Delhi Election Commission also detected 21 cases of paid news...
More »Paid News Detected in Favour of 5 More Candidates in Delhi
-Outlook New Delhi: Delhi's Election Commission has detected instances of "paid news" relating to five candidates in the run-up to assembly election and added expenditure in this regard in their poll expenses. However, the Commission is yet to decide on the appeals of two Congress leaders including Revenue Minister Arvinder Singh and Sushil Gupta who have moved against the order of inclusion of amount spent on "paid news" in their poll expenses...
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