-NDTV In his maiden appearance after being named Uttar Pradesh chief minister, Yogi Adityanath proclaimed that his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government would maintain a laser-like focus on the twin themes of combating corruption and restoring law and order. "In the past 15 years," Adityanath noted, "UP lagged behind in the race of development as previous governments indulged in corruption, nepotism, and failed on the law order front." Indeed, one of...
Arun Jaitley rules out help for farm loan waivers to states; Yogi Adityanath, Devendra Fadnavis in a spot
-Firstpost.com Putting state governments that promised loan waivers for farmers in difficulty, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday ruled out such waivers by the Centre insisting states can utilise their own resources in this regard. He clarified that the Centre will not adopt a selective approach by helping one state and not the others. The move is likely to put even BJP governments, including Devendra Fadnavis administration in Maharashtra and the newly...
More »Illegal slaughterhouse crackdown: UP strike hits Delhi hard, meat supply down -Parvez Sultan and Abhinav Rajput
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: Meat traders’ strike in neighbouring Uttar Pradesh has halved Delhi’s supply and sent the prices soaring, with mutton selling for Rs 500 a kilo in some areas on Monday. Traders at Ghazipur, Delhi’s only slaughter house and biggest wholesale meat market, said they were not getting cattle from Uttar Pradesh, the biggest suppliers of animals, which had led to buffalo and goat meat costing at least 25% more. “Around...
More »Vacancies in judiciary, police force plague UP -Pradeep Thakur
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Aditya Nath Yogi government has resolved to improve the law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh but two important pillars of the justice delivery system — the police and the judiciary —are in a dilapidated condition in the state. There is over 47% vacancy of judges in Allahabad high court and more than 55% vacancy in the sanctioned strength of the police force in...
More »From plate to plough: Development with cow -Ashok Gulati & Smriti Verma
-The Indian Express Agricultural growth in Uttar Pradesh can be achieved by putting dairy in the lead role. State’s new chief minister has his task cut out for him Yogi Adityanath’s taking over as Uttar Pradesh chief minister has been criticised by several political pundits who say that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has picked “cow over development”. They may soon have to bite the dust, like the economic pundits, who had...
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