The Supreme Court on Wednesday granted bail to Unitech's Sanjay Chandra, Swan Telecom's Vinod Goenka and top Reliance ADAG executives Gautam Doshi, Hari Nair and Surendra Pipara in the 2G scam case. The judgment was delivered by a bench of Justices G S Singhvi and H L Dattu on Wednesday morning. The apex court asked each accused to give a bail bond of Rs 5 lakhs with 2 sureties each. This is the...
AP Impact: Right-to-know laws often ignored by Martha Mendoza
CHANDRAWAL, India—Satbir Sharma's wife is dead. His family lives in fear. His father's left leg is shattered, leaving him on crutches for life. Sharma's only hope lies in a new law that gives him the right to know what is happening in the investigation of his wife's death. Most of all, he wants to know what will happen to the village mayor, now in jail on murder charges. He talks quietly, under...
More »Right to information laws ignored worldwide by Rebecca Davis
-Daily Maverick Laws governing citizens’ to know what is happening in their governments have become commonplace over the past decade. But it’s not just South Africans who dread the lack of transparency: a new report from the Associated Press suggests that more than half the countries with “Right to Know” laws do not actually follow them. In January AP set about testing the efficacy of freedom of information laws in 105 countries...
More »“44 % food grain never reaches the poor”
-The Hindu “If the law of the market is ignored, then no government policy, however well intended, is going to work”, Chief Economic Advisor to Government of India Kaushik Basu sAid at a conference on the Indian health sector here on Friday. He referred specifically to how 44 per cent of the food grain meant for the poor never reaches them through the Public Distribution System and sAid that this needs...
More »Probe ordered against NGOs giving foreign funds to stage protests
-PTI The Centre has ordered an inquiry against at least 10 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) following reports that they were providing funds received from abroad for fanning political unrest in the country. Government officials sAid the inquiry has been ordered after the home ministry received information that funds to the tune of crores of rupees received by these NGOs have been given to social activists to stage protests and resort to other agitational...
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