LUCKNOW: In Uttar Pradesh, over Rs 3,700 crore of central health funds may have been systematically looted over the past six years. Many people, including Rahul Gandhi, had spoken of the NRHM bungle, but the size of the scam indicates that not only were officials at the level of CMO and above involved, but also this could not have been carried out without the knowledge and support of their masters....
Urbanization: it’s happening, can we cope?- Anil Padmanabhan
Last week, the census commissioner released the second round of data, which showed that the move towards towns and cities received a fresh impetus in the decade ended 2011, as a result of which the country achieved a laudable milestone: a little under one in three Indians now lives in areas classified as urban, reversing a lull apparent in the previous two decades. This is something to be welcomed as in...
More »The plunder economy by Ashok Mitra
One lives to learn — or unlearn. The working head of what passes for this country’s Planning Commission is unambiguous about it. One important measure to fight inflation, he believes, is to raise prices. That is to say, to stop prices from rising, you must first raise prices. The gentleman has heartily endorsed the recent serial increases in the prices of petroleum products since such increases will, in his view,...
More »Global food inflation to return after brief respite
-Reuters Red-hot food inflation that has vexed policy makers around the world seemed to take a breather last month, when corn and wheat prices tumbled on reports that crop shortages were easing. The sell-off was also driven by global economic worries that prompted funds to exit grains in droves. But prices are climbing again, and have already made up half of June's losses. The sell-off masked an unnerving reality: The world remains...
More »Reactors for Jaitapur have been tested: AEC ex-chief by Srinivas Laxman
MUMBAI: Former Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) chairman Anil Kakodkar has stated that the French-made Areva European pressurized reactors, which India plans to import for the Jaitapur nuclear power project in Ratnagiri district, were tested. "It is wrong to say that they were untested reactors. They are based on previous reactor experience," he asserted, while pointing out that other countries were constructing similar reactors. He was addressing nearly 400 students and...
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