A local court on Wednesday directed Luknow police to register a case of fraud and cheating against Delhi based self proclaimed godman Nirmal Baba alias Nirmaljeet Singh Nerula. Chief Judicial Magistrate Rajesh Upadhyaya further directed Gomitnagar police to probe the matter and submit the report in the court. The Judge cited a 1999 Supreme Court ruling and said that if a person present himself as godman capable of treating the disease...
The rot’s now setting in
-The Hindustan Times The government stocks a fifth of its grain out in the open, left to be washed by the monsoon. As the UPA’s most ambitious welfare programme — food security for poor Indians — is unrolled, more grain will be collected and allowed to rot unless warehouses are built to stock an additional 35 million tonnes beyond the 110 million tonnes of storage we already have, the Planning Commission...
More »In pursuit of socially mixed schools-Manabi Majumdar & Jos Mooij
The interaction between less privileged and rich students will enrich the experience of both. The Supreme Court recently upheld the validity of Clause 12 of the Right to Education Act that mandates aided and non-aided private schools to reserve 25 per cent of the seats for disadvantaged children in their neighbourhoods. This is arguably a landmark judgement that creates an opportunity, though not a certainty, for rendering school a site of...
More »Population growth rate dips to 17%-Kounteya Sinha
Population has started to swell in Delhi's suburbs. Gurgaon and Noida (Gautam Buddha Nagar) are among the top five places in India that recorded the highest decadal growth rate in population. While Gurgaon recorded a 74% increase in population between 2001 and 2011, Noida saw a rise by almost 52%. India saw a 17.6% increase in population over the decade. Kurung Kumey - a small district in Arunachal Pradesh bordering China -...
More »AIIMS ducks RTI queries, time and again-Jaya Shroff Bhalla
On March 29, 2011, a Right to Information application on AIIMS faculty members travelling abroad on official tours was filed. The applicant sought details of their reasons for the visits, money spent and sponsors of the trips. AIIMS public information officer Lalit Kumar replied six days later saying, “The information is not available. Presently there are 450 committee members. The details for permission of this kind of work, thus the...
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