With activists and locals intensifying their agitation against the Koodankulam nuclear power project in Tamil Nadu, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday said all safety precautions will be taken while executing the project but also stressed on its importance for the state given its growing power needs. “The government fully shares the concerns of the people of the area and will take all steps to allay their fears. The government will...
Prevention proof in HIV study by GS Mudur
A five-year effort to promote condom use by sex workers and their clients and the use of safe needles by drug users may have helped India prevent about 100,000 HIV infections, according to a study to be released tomorrow. The study suggests that the high-profile HIV prevention initiative called Avahan, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and implemented in six states, was less effective in Nagaland, Manipur and Maharashtra...
More »Avahan’s contribution to HIV control significant: study
-AP An estimated 100,000 people in India may have escaped HIV infection over five years thanks to one of the world’s biggest prevention programmes, an encouraging sign that targeting high-risk groups remains vital even as more donors focus on treatment, a new study suggests. While the initial findings regarding the $258 million Avahan project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, come with large uncertainty due to data limitations and methodology,...
More »Shut down Kudankulam project: activists by Priscilla Jebaraj
People's activists want the Kudankulam nuclear power plant shut down completely; Tamil Nadu's politicians have the less ambitious aim of halting work on the project until the fears of local people are allayed. The plant was originally scheduled to begin operations later this month. The two groups submitted separate memoranda to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during their 40-minute meeting with him on Friday. Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Srikumar Banerjee, National Security...
More »Health in crisis by Mohan Rao
There are fears that curative health care will be left to the private sector, while the public system will handle preventive and low-quality care. AN issue of The Lancet earlier this year highlighted some of the problems with public health in India, acknowledging that “it is in crisis”. The robust economic growth over the past 20 years has not translated into better health indices; indeed the decline of infant and child...
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