If nothing else, the Delhi police raid on Baba Ramdev's camp on Sunday has helped clear some confusion. The midnight swoop was unexpected, but we now know that the central government, which treated the yoga guru like an honoured state guest when he first arrived in Delhi, is his enemy. Congress leader Digvijay Singh has described Ramdev as a "thug" and a "fraud". In turn, Ramdev has accused the centre of...
Police impose prohibitory orders in New Delhi
-PTI In a bid to stop any protest by supporters of Baba Ramdev, Delhi police on Sunday imposed prohibitory orders for a week in New Delhi district where such agitations are apprehended. "We have imposed section 144 of CRPC in New Delhi district till June 11," a senior police official said. The decision to impose prohibitory orders came in the backdrop of some followers of Ramdev camping at Jantar Mantar after they...
More »Hazare camp to boycott Lokpal meet today by Himanshi Dhawan
Manmohan Singh government's high-risk move in evicting Baba Ramdev from the Capital after a midnight police raid on his camp at Ramlila Maidan here has brought together rival factions of civil society, besides exposing the Centre and Congress leadership to sharp attacks from political opponents. Just hours after the dramatic police raid on Ramlila Maidan, Anna Hazare's camp announced that they would boycott the meeting of the joint Lokpal panel scheduled...
More »Baba Ramdev: India police break up yogi's Delhi protest
-BBC Police in the Indian capital Delhi have broken up an anti-corruption protest led by controversial yoga guru Baba Ramdev. Around 30 people were injured as police fired tear gas to disperse thousands of his supporters, reports said. He had been fasting to demand that the government takes action to recover billions of dollars of suspected bribe money held in foreign bank accounts. Baba Ramdev was detained by police but later released. The police...
More »After midnight swoop, battle lines harden by Smita Gupta
Congress firm but Baba Ramdev, BJP to fight UPA government's “fascism” The Union government swung into damage control mode on Sunday, in the wake of the early morning swoop by the Delhi police on the Ramlila grounds and the bundling out from the national capital of a trembling yoga guru Baba Ramdev, who had exchanged his saffron garb for a white salwar kameez in the hope of escaping unnoticed. But this...
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