-The Indian Express The Lok Sabha MPs together ran up a bill over Rs 5.69 crore by overstaying. Bills of 27 Lok Sabha MPs, who stayed at the Ashok Hotel in New Delhi during the last one year, have not been approved by the Lok Sabha Secretariat since these MPs had been allotted government accommodation but chose to stay on at the hotel for one reason or the other. They together ran...
Raje government's studied silence on privatisation of education -Sahil Makkar
-Business Standard Why the public-private partnership model in education doesn't get a show of hands from its naysayers Jaipur July 8, 1 pm: Around 500 school teachers were protesting outside the building of Shiksha Sankul, which houses the various educational departments in the state. They burnt effigies of the education minister, demanding the Vasundhara Raje-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government withdraw the order on increased man-days. The teaching fraternity wanted the government to revisit...
More »One man’s revolutionary movement is saving 3.5 million farmers in Uttarakhand from starvation
-TheBetterIndia.com Here’s how farmers of Uttarakhand are following a traditional method of farming called Baranaja (or twelve grains) to sustain their crops even in harsh climatic conditions. When farmers in distress are given tempting offers to use chemicals that can give them bumper crops, many farmers fall prey to such offers. But these are the farmers of Tehri Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. They have been following their traditional method of rain fed...
More »Why Rajasthan faces paucity of women teachers for math and science -Akshaya Mukul
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: At a time when the government is stressing on science and mathematics for girl students, a study from Rajasthan on gender and equity goals in secondary education shows that its efforts are not misplaced and in fact the issue needs urgent attention. One of the key highlights of the study undertaken with support of MacArthur Foundation shows there is a paucity of women maths and science...
More »Some STs may fail to contest panchayat polls under new Rajasthan law -Anindo Dey
-The Times of India JAIPUR (Rajsthan): For the primitive Sahariya adivasis, the panchayat polls may already be over. The only primitive tribe of Rajasthan, Sahariyas reside mainly in the Shahabad and Kishanganj blocks of Baran district. But there is barely a handful amongst them who meet the new educational qualification norms set by the government for contesting the panchayat elections. Recently the state government through an ordinance issued directives that candidates contesting...
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