-The Indian Express A video surfaced on social media, which shows a cook at the Salai Banwa Primary School in Kota village boiling water in a large aluminum container before adding milk from a one-litre tetra pack. In Uttar Pradesh’s Sonbhadra district, a bucket of water was allegedly mixed in one litre of milk to feed around 81 students at a local school as part of the mid-day meal programme on...
Aruna Roy, well-known social and political activist, interviewed by Jipson John and Jitheesh PM (Frontline.in)
-Frontline.in Interview with Aruna Roy. ARUNA ROY is a well-known social and political activist. A former Indian Administrative Service officer, she resigned from the IAS in 1975 and has since worked with the most oppressed in society. Aruna Roy’s observation on government service is indicative of her future concerns: “Everyone calls it an elite service; I always felt the discourse should be a bit better than what it was. I was shocked...
More »These superwomen from Himachal Pradesh show why empowered women make for an empowered country -Raksha Kumar
-The Hindu Bhuira's women are coping with the higher workload by creating vastly more flexible family and community structures. And they are simultaneously pushing towards modernity much faster than their neighbours. Everyone in the village sneaks a glance when Upasana Kumari drives her White Maruti 800 to work. “Driving a car is intoxicating,” says Kumari. A winding, muddy, single lane road that starts from the edge of the hillock where Kumari’s house...
More »Problematic report card -Suhrid Sankar Chattopadhyay
-Frontline.in A DETAILED report brought out recently by the Nobel laureate Amartya Sen’s Pratichi Institute, titled “Primary Education in West Bengal: The Scope for Change”, highlights certain major problems that are coming in the way of the proper functioning of the primary education system in the State. While acknowledging that access to primary education has increased significantly and that there has been a perceptible improvement in the pupil-teacher ratio (PTR), the...
More »Why Kerala's public schools have seen a rise in student strength for the first time in 25 years -TA Ameerudheen
-Scroll.in With smart classrooms, English lessons and more, a government campaign is restoring parents’ confidence in public schools. For the first time in 25 years, public schools in Kerala registered a year-on-year increase in student enrolment this year. It is a significant ahievement given that 5,715 schools were functioning without adequate student strength till 2016. Data released by the education department last week showed that a little over 1.8 lakh students joined...
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