-The Hindu Without regulation, the situation could spiral out of control Recently, a professor at a business school allegedly misused his faculty position to provide fake certificates to students whom he had compelled to attend an online course that he taught. He essentially took advantage of India’s rising pre-pandemic gig economy in education. When authorities at the institution discovered the racket, they suspended him. This is a cautionary tale for the global...
Women farmers worst hit by anti-farmer laws: National Women’s Organisations
-SabrangIndia.in The group of leading womens’ organisations write open letter to PM Modi; will soon hold nationwide protests against the “ruthlessness exhibited by the Union government” National women’s organisations have written an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi demanding that the government stop repressing the farmers’ legitimate and peaceful protests immediately. They have asked that all cases imposed on the struggling farmers and leaders of the farmers’ organisations be withdrawn and...
More »SWAN’s third report outlines the perpetual plight of migrants in terms of food shortage, income insecurity and travel difficulties during the lockdown
On June 5th this year, the Stranded Workers Action Network, comprising volunteers from various civil society groups, academics and students enrolled in university education, released its third report entitled ‘To Leave or Not to Leave? Lockdown, Migrant Workers, and Their Journeys Home’. Among other things, the latest report states that nearly four-fifth of migrant workers (out of 5,911) who called SWAN volunteers for help (altogether 821 distress calls were made)...
More »Uttarakhand Tries To Retain Migrants Back Home Due to COVID-19. Migrants Point To Systemic Issues -Seema Sharma
-IndiaSpend.com Chandigarh: With thousands of migrants who had left Uttarakhand for greener pastures returning amid the lockdown, the state government is trying to convince them to stay on and rebuild their lives there, offering interest-free loans, subsidies and free electricity to set up eco-tourism and micro-enterprises. The state government has also added an additional budget for employment-generating schemes such as the Veer Chandra Garhwali Yojana, which offers micro credit aimed to...
More »Nearly 70% of Education Loans goes to general category students -Pon Vasanth BA
-The Hindu MHRD data also indicates variation in size of loans disbursed, with OBCs, SCs and STs receiving lower amounts on average Around 70% of the Education Loans disbursed in the country appear to be going to upper caste students, data on a government-funded surety scheme for educational loans furnished by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in the Lok Sabha has indicated. The data provided was on the Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme...
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