-The Hindu Pandemic relief was to end in March 2022. The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday extended the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PM-GKAY) for another six months till September 2022. The scheme was originally introduced in April 2020 a month into the first lockdown during the initial onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be the sixth phase of PM-GKAY. The Phase-V of the scheme was...
If India wants to spend its money well, it should build infrastructure that is climate resilient -Flavia Lopes
-IndiaSpend.com/ Scroll.in In the 2022 Budget, the Centre proposed to earmark Rs 1-lakh crore in interest-free loans for states, some of which will be used for developing infrastructure. In May 2021, when Cyclone Yaas hit the eastern coast of India, a hospital in Bihar’s capital Patna was inundated in the floods and patients had nowhere to go. In September 2021, parts of the national capital, Delhi, were waterlogged because of heavy rains...
More »Rights of the weak, duties of the powerful -Rajeev Bhargava
-The Hindu A complaint of undue emphasis on rights creates the suspicion that citizens are being disempowered Rights and duties are conceptually linked to one another. There are no rights without duties. If a person has the right to something, it necessarily implies that someone else has a corresponding duty to ensure that it is not violated. For example, if an individual has a right to Free speech, then it is the...
More »A Story of Intimidation, Illegality and (No) Right to Information in Gujarat -Anusha R
-Newsclick.in With the increasing political climate of stifled dialogue and dissent, a denial of information sought in the legitimate interest of the public, imposing fines, and subsequent ambiguity in the face of procedural safeguards is not just disheartening, but also dangerous. It is the year 2022, almost 17 years since the Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act) has been passed. Albeit, in a functional democracy, the emerging field realities would have...
More »Budget 2022: Lowest sections of our society who suffered most are not yet part of recovery story -Ashwini Kulkarni
-The Free Press Journal Today’s budget speech of the Finance Minister was more about Government’s intentions, intentions for a long term horizon like 25 years and little on this years’ specific plans. There is an oft-spoken phrase – where there is a will there's a way. If the policies of a Government is its Will then the Budget is meant to give the Way by providing the means with funds. Today’s budget...
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