-The Indian Express Leaders of the Bhartiya Kisan Union leaders said the wrestlers came from Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Haryana. At 1 pm on Sunday, farmers at the Ghazipur border gathered in a circle around a large mat placed near the stage where two wrestlers stood facing each other. Within minutes, the crowd erupted in cheers as one of the players held her opponent in a headlock and threw her on...
East of Delhi, the other protest: UP’s sugarcane farmers awaiting dues -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express Non-payment of last season’s dues and no SAP being declared for 2020-21, with more than two months of crushing over, can emerge as a potential flashpoint in the ongoing farmers’ agitation. New Delhi: The farmers’ agitation, until now, has been about Punjab and Haryana, wheat and paddy, and concerns over the future of minimum support price (MSP)-based procurement and agricultural produce market committee mandis. But there’s one elephant in the...
More »Prison of Poverty: Agri Workers’ Wages Have Barely Increased in Modi Years -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in No scheme touches them, no law reaches them – but they hope that a better deal for farmers will benefit them. At the Ghazipur border between Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, Manish and a few of his friends have joined the farmers’ dharna only a few days back. They live in Baghpat district, barely a few dozen kilometres from the protest site but it could be another continent, or another age. “In the...
More »Tricks of a trade -Divya Trivedi
-Frontline Cattle traders see a nexus between cow vigilantes and animal rights organisations in Delhi, where vigilantes unleashed violence in April. In the past year, 40,000 animals seized by them were not returned to the owners, and traders believe that they were sold. A PLANNED and brutal assault on cattle traders in Kalkaji in Delhi on April 22 by a mob of gau rakshaks (cow protectors) has brought to the fore...
More »Illegal slaughterhouse crackdown: UP strike hits Delhi hard, meat supply down -Parvez Sultan and Abhinav Rajput
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: Meat traders’ strike in neighbouring Uttar Pradesh has halved Delhi’s supply and sent the prices soaring, with mutton selling for Rs 500 a kilo in some areas on Monday. Traders at Ghazipur, Delhi’s only slaughter house and biggest wholesale meat market, said they were not getting cattle from Uttar Pradesh, the biggest suppliers of animals, which had led to buffalo and goat meat costing at least 25% more. “Around...
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