-The Hindu The Centre has decided to come up with a comprehensive legislation to deal with fake Scheduled Tribe Certificates that is used for securing employment against quota. Union Minister for Tribal Affairs V.Kishore Chandra Deo initiated the move after referring a case of this nature to the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) and the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) for initiating action against the wife of an IAS officer...
More questions than answers-CBS Venkataramana
It was Jawaharlal Nehru who said that ignorance is always afraid of change. In the light of this, there is no doubt that the Right to Education (RTE) Act is a courageous piece of legislation. But the 25% reservation clause for poor students in unaided private schools in the Act could end up facing serious operational problems. According to the law, the State will pay the private schools that admit...
More »Exam blues? KV students to have final say on how well they fare by Puja Pednekar
-DNA Can’t think of ways to make schooling a stress-free affair? Take the cue from the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS). It has come up with a unique method of evaluation under which students can appear for their summative assessments (equivalent to semester examinations) multiple number of times, giving them ample opportunities to better their score with each attempt. KVS officials said they are going to pilot a new form of learning exercises,...
More »KV quota merger raises hackles by Basant Kumar Mohanty
The Kendriya Vidyalayas have decided to merge their quota for SCs and STs within the 25 per cent reservation to be offered to children of disadvantaged groups under the Right To Education Act. But the move has sparked controversy with education activists saying it would leave very few seats for the disadvantaged sections. They have argued that the 25 per cent quota should be offered separately. Lawyer and social activist Ashok Agrawal...
More »From next year, KVS will reserve 25% seats for poor children by Akshaya Mukul
Kendriya Vidyalayas will no longer be the sole preserve of children of government employees. From the next academic year, 981 KVS will start implementing the Right to Education Act and give 25% reservation to poor children in the neighbourhood. Highly placed sources in the HRD ministry said, "RTE will be implemented in KVS. We are working out the details. We have enough time before the next session begins." To ensure...
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