-The Hindu Maharashtra, Delhi, Chhattisgarh and Gujarat saw the most fatalities India registered 1,99,376 new COVID-19 cases on April 14. As many as 1,037 deaths were also recorded on the day as of data updated at 12.24 a.m. IST on April 15. The figures do not include cases and deaths from Ladakh. The data is sourced from covid19india.org, an independent aggregator of daily COVID-19 figures. Over 14.11 lakh tests were conducted on April 13....
Technology enabled digital labour platforms are not adhering to labour norms, points out new ILO report
Although services provided by the gig and platform workers touch the lives of each one of us, we have little knowledge about the role of digital labour platforms in transforming the world of work. Such digital labour platforms have created unprecedented opportunities for workers, businesses and society. However, they also pose serious threats to decent work and fair competition. A recent report by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) shows that the...
More »Number of new COVID-19 cases crosses 1.52 lakh for the first time
-The Hindu The figures do not include cases and deaths from Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Assam, Sikkim and Ladakh U.T. India registered 1,52,419 new COVID-19 cases on April 10. As many as 837 deaths were also recorded on the day. Daily infections in the country crossed the 1.25 lakh mark for the fourth consecutive day on April 10. The figures do not include cases and deaths from Ladakh U.T. as of 12.10 a.m. on April...
More »Create protocols and decommission the ageing large dams speedily, recommends latest UNU-INWEH study
Large dams that cause environmental degradation and large-scale displacement, among other things, have been opposed in India by civil society organisations (CSOs), such as Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), National Alliance of People's Movement (NAPM) and People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL). A recently published study by the United Nations University's Canada-based Institute for Water, Environment and Health along with other partner organisations reveals that tens of thousands of existing large...
More »The Problem with International Migration from India -Gian Singh
-TheCitizen.in The losses outweigh the gains A report released on January 15 by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs estimates that India has the highest number of international migrants in the world. It found that last year 18 million Indians were living abroad, followed by Mexico 11 million, Russia 11 million, China 10 million, and Syria 8 million. It estimates that 10 million or 1 crore Indians emigrated abroad...
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