-Newsclick.in According to union leaders, due to the panchayat polls from April to May in Uttar Pradesh, there was a halt in MGNREGS work, and the demand for labourers further slumped due to the complete lockdown that followed soon after. Lucknow: Brindaban Banjara (40), a security in-charge at Paragon footwear in Nangloi area of Delhi used to earn Rs 22,000 per month before the pandemic hit. But, within a span of three...
Rent issues as an ignored COVID stress point -Mewa Bharati and Juhi Jotwani
-The Hindu The second wave has amplified the issue of rent which does not draw much attention as food and income support do As State governments have begun implementing weekend curfews and lockdown-like conditions amid the second wave of COVID, there is another issue that is emerging — rent crises within informal rental housing markets. For example, domestic workers in Jaipur, Rajasthan, have begun reporting to the Rajasthan Mahila Kamgar Union (RMKU)...
More »7,300 farm labourers ended lives in 18 years: Study -Ruchika M Khanna
-The Tribune ‘High indebtedness, inability to repay loan led to extreme step’ Over 7,300 farm labourers in Punjab have died by suicide between 2000 and 2018. As many as 5,765 of these (79 per cent of total suicides by farm labourers) were because of high indebtedness and inability to repay the loan. An average agricultural labour family in the state has a debt of Rs 76,017 while the agricultural labourer suicide victim family...
More »Condemning the new farm laws, Vikalp Sangam urges the government to help the country move towards a more sustainable, regenerative and diverse agricultural system
-Press release by Vikalp Sangam (vikalpsangam.org), dated 5th December, 2020 Vikalp Sangam (vikalpsangam.org) -- a conglomeration of 60+ active CSOs and members -- in its press release dated 5th December, 2020 has stated that the newly enacted farm laws of the Centre will lead to further land alienation (landlessness) and destitution of the peasantry because the laws permit, in thinly disguised form, the unsparing loot by the lobby of agri-businesses and...
More »Denied Crop Loans, Maharashtra Farmers Go Back To Moneylenders -Parth MN
-IndiaSpend.com Mumbai: He delayed it as long as he could but when he realised that he had no other option, Pandurang Shinde, 33, swallowed his pride and asked his relatives for a loan in June. “It is not the best feeling,” he said. “But I was running out of time. I borrowed Rs 50,000--I needed that money for the cropping season starting in June.” Crop loans are critical for the agrarian cycle...
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