-Outlook More government took Himachal near the top of development indices In the run-up to the Lok Sabha elections, the buzz around the so-called ‘Gujarat model' was such that without really knowing what it stood for, everyone wanted it. ‘Minimum Government, Maximum Governance' is as close as one could get in terms of concrete proposals. However, when one looks at the achievements of Gujarat, the buzz turns to a whimper (see...
Learning from NREGA -Jean Drèze
-The Hindu Business Line Corruption in NREGA works has steadily declined in recent years. There are important lessons here that need to be extended to other domains One neglected aspect of the debate on the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) relates to the process aspects of the programme. In the process of planning works, organising employment, paying wages or fighting corruption, many valuable activities take place: Gram Sabhas are held, workers...
More »50% elderly in country face abuse, study says -Payal Gwalani
-The Times of India NAGPUR: The numerous 'family shows' churned out by the Indian TV industry may make one believe that India is the country for old people. However, a peep into the lives beyond the silver screen gives way to a gory picture rather than a rosy one. Half the elderly population in the country faces abuse of various kinds, as per a recent study conducted by HelpAge India. This was...
More »Going to toilet in Katra Sadatganj -Pritha Chatterjee
-The Indian Express Every time they step out, say the women of the village, it is with the fear of being teased, the shame of being seen, and the discomfort of counting hours. The two girls in Badaun who were raped and killed had left home to go to the fields to relieve themselves. Every time they step out, say the women of the village, it is with the fear of being...
More »Social Security Pensions in India An Assessment -Saloni Chopra and Jessica Pudussery
-Economic and Political Weekly Social security pensions in India have acted as a vital source of stability for approximately 2.6 crore elderly, disabled and widowed persons today. A 10-state survey in 2013 revealed that the pension scheme was running reasonably well. There is strong evidence to support the fact that the money is reaching the intended benefi ciaries without any major leakages. The patterns of usage of the pension are indicative...
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