-Scroll.in The Suriya-led legal drama is based on an actual incident of police brutality in Tamil Nadu. Tha Se Gnanavel’s phone has been ringing non-stop ever since his movie Jai Bhim started streaming on Amazon Prime Video on November 2. “I thought people would say this is a good film, but the response has been far more than expected,” Gnanavel told Scroll.in. “The film has now has led to a discussion. In...
27.37% prison inmates in India ‘illiterate’, over 5,600 techies, says government data
-PTI/ The Hindu Uttar Pradesh, the country’s most populous State, houses the maximum number of Prisoners at 1,01,297. As many as 1,32,729 (27.37%) of the 4,78,600 prison inmates in the country are “illiterate” while 5,677 hold a technical degree or diploma, according to Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) data. The prison statistics presented by Minister of State for Home Affairs G Kishan Reddy recently in Parliament were based on a compilation of...
More »Systemic neglect ensures that prisons act as warehouses for the marginalised -Maja Daruwala and Vijay Raghavan
-The Indian Express Prolongation of these so-called criminal cases is unconscionable, as is forcing vulnerable people into remaining in hotspots of increased infection and fatal risk. Two recent incidents of Stan Swamy and Gautam Navlakha show up the state of our prisons today. Both are undertrial Prisoners in the Bhima-Koregaon case. Both had to move the courts for the simplest of necessities. One, to get a sipper cup and a straw because...
More »Locked up during lockdown -Smita Chakraburtty
-The Telegraph Unlike our lives in this period, a prisoner’s life is ruled by distrust, unfamiliarity, uncertainty and little hope for a better future India has been in a lockdown for more than a 100 days, which has confined many people to their homes for the longest period they can remember. Some are working from home while others have lost their jobs and been thrown into economic uncertainty. Many people are comparing...
More »Dr Kafeel Khan And The Story Of Another Epidemic -Mrudula Bhavani
-Outlook India The expertise the imprisoned doctor offered to the fight against COVID-19 comes from a self-driven struggle with encephalitis, which kills thousands every year The Supreme Court directed on March 23 that all Prisoners, under trial or convicted and jailed for less than seven years, be considered for release on a six-week parole, in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. On March 28, Dr Kafeel Ahmed Khan, twice-suspended paediatrician from Gorakhpur...
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