-NDTV.com At a time when Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation has remained above RBI's upper tolerance level of 6% for seven consecutive months and the WPI inflation rates are at the highest levels since January 2007, it is good that the issue was finally discussed in parliament and the RBI's recent rate hike signals recognition of the concern. However, during the debate in the parliament, the Treasury bench largely took a...
Our employment data should be interpreted cautiously -Himanshu
-Livemint.com This is the fourth report in the PLFS data series and offers information on both employment and unemployment for rural as well as urban areas. Earlier this week, India’s ministry of statistics and programme implementation released the annual report of the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) for the reference period July 2020 to June 2021. This is the fourth report in the PLFS data series and offers information on both employment...
More »Forget minimum wages, MGNREGA workers not even receiving notified wages in many states
Every year in the month of either February or March, the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) announces the notified MGNREGA wage rates (i.e., notified daily wage rates for MGNREGA workers) for various states and Union Territories (UTs) for the upcoming financial year. The MGNREGA rates are notified every year based on the increase in Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labourers (CPI-AL). Like the previous years, in 2021 too, experts and civil...
More »Developmental Causes of Out-Migration from Bengal -Rayandev Sen
-Bengal Development Collective Migration has been an essential component of socio-economic and political change. People move away from their birthplace in search of a better livelihood, a safer neighbourhood, or a more inclusive society. Migration is a big indicator of the existing social and economic disparities between the place of origin and the migrant’s destination. As economic centres become centres for migrants, they gain access to cheaper labour, bolstering their own...
More »Civil society members are unhappy with the abysmal rise in notified wage rates for MGNREGA in FY 2022-23
-Joint Press Note released by NREGA Sangharsh Morcha network and People’s Action for Employment Guarantee (PAEG) dated March 31, 2022 The wage rates for NREGA workers for FY 2022-23 were notied on 28.03.2022. The notication of the wage rate has been extremely late, with only 3 days remaining for the beginning of the next nancial year. Such a delay prevents any discussion or debate regarding the wage rates or their adequacy....
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