-The New Indian Express The CM said his govT decided to waive off loans amounting to Rs 520 crores with respect to the principal amount against their cooperative loans as of July 31, 2017. CHANDIGARH: Asserting his continued support to the farmers agitating against the three farm laws, Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh on Friday launched a Rs 520 crore debt relief scheme for 2.85 lakh farm labourers and landless farmers....
Maharashtra govt to move resolution rejecting Centre's farm laws in monsoon session: Report
-PTI/ Livemint.com The council of ministers also gave its nod to a resolution requesting the Centre to decide about restoration of the quota for Marathas in government jobs and education Mumbai: Rejection of the three Central agriculture laws is one of the three resolutions approved by the Maharashtra cabinet on Sunday which will be moved in the monsoon session of the state legislature beginning Monday, sources said. The council of ministers also gave...
More »How A Tribal Community In Odisha Is Battling Climate Change With Traditional Farming -Abhijit Mohanty
-IndiaSpend.com Women farmers are taking the lead in reviving the cultivation of native varieties of millets that are resilient to drought, salinity, extreme heat, pests and diseases; need less water than paddy; and are richer in nutrition. Nestled in the remote forested hills of Odisha's Malkangiri district, Bondaghati is home to the Bonda tribe, one of the 13 particularly vulnerable tribal groups (PVTGs) in the state. Some 12,321 Bonda people lived in...
More »What Lies at the Foundation of the Prolonged Agrarian Crisis in India? -Shinzani Jain
-Newsclick.in The deeper rot in agriculture can be overcome through more far-reaching reforms, starting from an overhaul of pre-capitalist land relations and relations of production that continue to shackle productivity and are at the root of aggravating poverty, unemployment and inequality in rural India. It has been more than five months since farmers from different parts of the country began protesting in Delhi. They have been unflinching when it comes to their...
More »Are We Staring at Another Phase of Dilution of PDS in India? -Shinzani Jain
-Newsclick.in The NITI Aayog recommendations to reduce coverage under the NFSA are in tandem with liberalisation of agriculture pushed forward by the government with the passage of three farm laws. On February 28, 2020, it was reported that the central government’s think tank, NITI Aayog, in a discussion paper recommended a revision in the coverage of urban and rural populations under the National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013 to generate annual savings...
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