-The Indian Express New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party on Sunday began its unique experiment of holding mohalla sabhas to decide the content of the state budget, with three such meetings held in Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia’s Patparganj constituency. The AAP had earlier earmarked, on a pilot basis, 11 constituencies for people’s participation in the budget. Rs 50 lakh was allotted for each mohalla, with citizen’s priorities being the framework...
More buses, fewer cars please -Karthik Rao Cavale & Aashish Gupta
-The Hindu If the ‘pro-poor’ Delhi government dismantles its only Bus Rapid Transit corridor, it will only make life more difficult for the least affluent class. The new government in Delhi is reportedly planning to dismantle the 5.8- kilometre-long pilot Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor and replace it with a six-lane road instead. Those who have followed the saga of the BRT experiment in Delhi will not be surprised by the decision...
More »Lawyers, Prashant Bhushan slam Modi for 'five-star activists' remark
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Activists and lawyers have attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his remarks that "five-star activists" were driving the judiciary, saying the remarks were unacceptable and sought to question the legitimacy of activists. Rebel AAP leader Prashant Bhushan, whose petitions led to several important interventions by the Supreme Court on issues ranging from 2G scam to coal scam and Radia tapes, said, "It is a bit rich...
More »1,650 colonies to be regularised -Jatin Anand & Damini Nath
-The Hindu New Delhi: In a move that spells relief for an estimated 40 lakh residents staying in unauthorised colonies and also that would deliver on a promise made by successive governments, but ever fulfilled, the Delhi Government on Tuesday set the ball rolling on regularisation of such colonies. Residents of 1,650 such colonies can apply for the registration of their respective properties soon. "In a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal...
More »AAP budget paves way for subsidies, curbs spending
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Promising to bring a full budget with plans and schemes based on public suggestions around May, the Aam Aadmi Party government on Tuesday sought a vote on account for three months on the total budget estimates of Rs 37,750 crore for 2015-16. Voting will be done on Wednesday. A larger non-plan outlay of Rs 21,500 crore and a smaller plan size of Rs 15,350 crore...
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