India's agriculture and allied sector grew by 3.8 per cent in the first six months of the current fiscal, against one per cent in the year-ago period on the back of better Kharif crop output. According to the GDP data released by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) today, the country's farm sector grew by 2.5 per cent and 4.4 per cent each in the first two quarters of the current fiscal,...
Ministry for merging BPL, caste censuses by Ruhi Tewari & Sangeeta Singh
In a move that might put the Union government in conflict with the states, the ministry of rural development has recommended merging the census to identify below poverty line (BPL) families with the caste census to accelerate the process of determining the number of poor, according to a person familiar with the matter. The caste census, conducted by the Registrar General of India, or RGI, is due to begin on 1...
More »Experts group to study NAC proposals on food security Bill by Gargi Parsai
Led by C. Rangarajan, it has been appointed by Manmohan In a significant move, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has formed an experts group chaired by the chief of Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council, C. Rangarajan, to examine the recommendations of the Sonia Gandhi-headed National Advisory Council on the proposed food security Bill. The move surprised members of the council who met here on Friday to discuss the draft of the National Food...
More »NAC to discuss draft of Food Security Bill by Gargi Parsai
The National Advisory Council (NAC) will meet here on Friday to discuss the working group's draft of the National Food Security Bill. The draft suggests the setting up of an autonomous body for grievance redress and enforcement of penalties. The authority could function along the lines of the national and State-level commissions set up under the Right to Information Act. The draft Bill defines the penalties for violations of the Act, and...
More »NAC to give final shape to food security bill
The National Advisory Council (NAC), headed by Sonia Gandhi, will give final shape to a draft food security law incorporating its suggestion of differential legal entitlement of Foodgrains to nearly 800 million people through a reformed PDS network. Some members of the NAC were keen to on drafting the food security bill themselves and we will discuss the matter on Friday, a member of the advisory panel told PTI. "Our endeavour...
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