The Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) invested more than Rs 3,600 crore last year in the tobacco industry, anti-tobacco activists and cancer specialists said today, describing the investments as ironical and unethical. Figures obtained through the right to information route by a consortium of activists and doctors show that in 2010-11, LIC had invested in shares of ITC and VST Industries and in debentures of Dharampal Satyapal Ltd, which makes chewable tobacco...
A nutrition crisis amid prosperity by Pramit Bhattacharya
As a national debate rages over the Indian poverty line, in the heart of Bandra, one of Mumbai’s richest suburbs, in a shanty with barely enough standing space for two adults, three-year-old Priya Doiphode, clad in a red tee shirt, lies listless on a string bed. Priya is one of the 83,243 children in Mumbai who are malnourished, according to government data, a statistic that makes Mumbai the most malnourished...
More »Woman held for Naxal links accuses cops of harassment
-IANS Soni Sori, the tribal teacher who was held in Delhi last week on charges of being a Maoist conduit and is hospitalised here with head and back injuries, Wednesday said Chhattisgarh Police were treating her like a criminal. "They (police) are treating me like a hardcore criminal. They had put a chain on my legs... I oppose such moves by police," Sori told some mediamen at a government hospital here...
More »Barber cuts dalit’s nose in Mandya by Rajendrakumar KR
A barber and his father allegedly severed the nose of a dalit when he went to them for a shave in Kirugavalu of Malavalli taluk on Sunday. Police said Chikkamanchaiah , 51, requested Mahadev and his father Mariyayya to shave his beard. The duo not only refused to do it, but also asked him to leave the shop. A quarrel ensued, and Mariyayya grabbed Chikkamanchaiah's hands and Mahadev chopped off...
More »RTI activist attacked by mob in Jama Masjid area
-The Indian Express An RTI activist was attacked by a mob of about 150 men who forcibly entered her office in Jama Masjid area, Central Delhi, on Saturday around 4.30 pm. A case of criminal trespass and mischief has been registered at the Jama Masjid police station; no arrests have been made so far. Police said the victim, Sheeba Fehmi, and her husband, Arshad Ali Fehmi, have been fighting against encroachments in...
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