-The Hindu Opposition parties, including the newly resurgent Aam Aadmi Party, a slew of people's movements and even RSS affiliates, have decided to join hands to challenge the Centre on the controversial Land Acquisition Ordinance. Emboldened by the results of the Delhi Assembly elections, these groups plan to hold protests together in the capital from February 22 to 24, coinciding with the start of the Budget Session of Parliament. For the ruling NDA,...
Sun power for jobs, with rider
-The Telegraph New Delhi: India's plans to expand solar energy 30-fold to 100,000MW in seven years could create more than a million new jobs but demand chunks of land cumulatively larger than the metro areas of Calcutta or Delhi, an environment think-tank has said. An analysis by the Delhi-based Council on Energy Environment and Water has suggested that the plan to raise installed solar energy capacity from the current 3,000MW to 100,000MW...
More »India’s tough renewable energy targets -Athar Parvaiz
-SciDev.net India plans to produce 160,000 megawatts of renewable energy by 2022 Financing, land-acquisition and proper policies are among challenges to the plans Government confident of financing by World Bank and multilateral agencies NEW DELHI: Financing, land-acquisition and lack of proper policies are among challenges to India's ambitious renewable energy projects, the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) run by The Energy and...
More »A hasty, half-baked report on environment -Ramaswamy R Iyer
-The Hindu The report of the High-Level Committee for reviewing environmental laws has a misplaced focus on speedy project clearances and wrongly attributes their delays to environmental laws The report of the High-Level Committee (HLC) on a review of environmental laws may no longer be in the news, but its potential for impacting environmental governance in the country has not diminished. That potential will become real soon enough. A note of caution...
More »Green revolution in Chhattisgarh's red zone
-Business Standard A slew of measures taken by the Chhattisgarh government had reportedly helped in enhancing the kharif acreage in the pockets affected by the Naxal violence A slew of measures taken by the Chhattisgarh government had reportedly helped in enhancing the kharif acreage in the pockets affected by the Naxal violence. The authorities have compiled the figure for Narayanpur - country's one of the worst Naxal-infested districts reportedly housing the headquarters of...
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