-The Indian Express The Zee-Jindal issue came up in the Lok Sabha during Question Hour on Tuesday with members expressing their concern over unethical practices in the media, including paid news and unfair reporting. While some members underlined the need for regulating the media, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Manish Tewari maintained that self-regulation was the best option. He offered to have a detailed discussion on the issue and maintained...
Green Ministry eases SEZ clearance norms-Urmi A Goswami
-The Economic Times The environment ministry has simplified the procedures for granting clearances to special economic zones as it seeks to shed the anti-industry image. A recent order issued by the environment ministry states that the environmental clearance process for SEZs will now follow the system laid out for National Industrial and Manufacturing Zones under the National Manufacturing Policy 2011. Under the new system, the central and state governments will delegate power to...
More »A necessary compromise
-The Business Standard Despite industry's worries, land Bill cannot be delayed The meeting of the Union Cabinet last Thursday was, by the standards of the United Progressive Alliance ( UPA) government at least, quite effective. In what Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has called the UPA’s “slog overs”, several policy changes were announced, and proposed laws cleared. Perhaps the most important was the approval of the long-awaited changes to India’s colonial-era land...
More »Emissions cuts start at home -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu THE SUNDAY STORY In 2007, energy sector (including power, transport, residential electricity was responsible for 58 per cent of emissions, industry for 22 per cent and agriculture, 17 per cent. After focussing on the international climate change negotiations in Doha earlier this month, the spotlight is shifting back to the domestic scene. India can point the finger at the failure of rich countries to check the growth of their greenhouse...
More »India could face crippling heat waves -N Gopal Raj
-The Hindu THE SUNDAY STORY An analysis of the output from 18 different global climate models indicates that India’s average annual surface air temperature could go up by between four degrees Celsius and seven degrees Celsius by the end of this century. The warning signs are already out there. Global air and ocean temperatures have risen in response to human-driven emissions, particularly of carbon dioxide. Oceans have become more acidic and the...
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