-The Hindu The Union government on Thursday allowed an increase in the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of Rs. 80 per quintal for paddy during the current kharif season, but it is said to be way below the hike recommended by both the Union Ministry of Agriculture and the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP). The government said the objective was to boost production during the current kharif season and meet...
Govt may introduce food security Bill in monsoon session by Liz Mathew
Discussions with Plan panel, finmin and NAC almost over, draft law to be finalized at the next eGoM meeting The Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government is expected to introduce the National Food Security Bill, a proposal that aims to provide subsidized foodgrain to the poor, in the monsoon session of Parliament even as the procurement of rice and wheat touches a record high. The ruling Congress party had pledged in its...
More »Consolidating the gains
-The Business Standard Given the unchecked proliferation of central agricultural development schemes (totalling more than 50), Krishi Bhawan’s move to condense them into a few programmes, while leaving greater operational say to state governments, seems well-conceived. The Planning Commission has done well to readily agree to such a shift in approach from the 12th Plan, which starts next April. In fact, when Krishi Bhawan launched its flagship programme, the Rashtriya...
More »Food bill does a balancing act by Zia Haq and Prasad Nichenametla
The food ministry has prepared a new food security bill, reworking an earlier version and reconciling what had been “promised to the people” by the ruling Congress and the government’s fiscal constraints, MoS for agriculture KV Thomas has told HT. In August last year, the UPA government had pulled the plug on a previous draft, after it was found wanting by the Congress leadership. The Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council, which oversees...
More »Baba's Demands V/s Government Response
-PTI A desperate government's efforts failed today to achieve any breakthrough with Baba Ramdev deciding to go ahead with his indefinite fast here from tomorrow amidst indications that a compromise was likely in a day or two. For nearly five hours, two senior union ministers Kapil Sibal and Subodh Kant Sahay negotiated with the yoga guru over his demands on eradication of corruption at a posh hotel, a venue totally different...
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